DONA Approved Doula Trainings!!
Doula/Monitrice Services
Sacred hospital births
From the beginning of time, women have been cared for and nurtured as they become mothers. No matter where you give birth, you should have informed choice and all the support and guidance you desire. The care of your mind and heart are equally important to your medical choices. This is what a Sacred Birth doula does. We help you navigate your birth so that you have positive experiences physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually throughout your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period. Our doula clients can attend pregnancy support circles and ceremonies in addition to our 2 private prenatal appointments. They can also opt to have us monitrice- check vitals, heart tones and labor progress before heading to the hospital. $1200-$2200, lower cost options available.
Water Birth
water is life
Water has the ability to protect, soothe, and remove negative energy. It is a tool that benefits many women both physically and spiritually during labor and birth. We are very experienced with monitoring baby, checking dilation, and catching babies in the water. Babies born in the water experience a more gentle entrance, they remain between two worlds a moment longer. We bring them up to breathe immediately. You can purchase your own birth pool or rent one of ours.
Now offering Doula Training! DONA approved. Find out more!
Body and Spirit Medicine
Free your wild soul
Body and Spirit Medicine Sessions include a combination of Touch, Body Work, Sound, Plant Medicine, Crystals, Movement, Energy Work, Meditation, Journeying, Ancestral Healing, Soul Retrieval, Oils/Sprays/Smokes, Invoking Spirit Guides or Angels, Prayer, and other spirit led techniques as desired. All sessions are directed by your intention and by spirit and are done in ceremony. Each session looks different and can be designed to fit your intentions.
$133, $77 for current clients (contact me for coupon code!). Purchase a package of 3 sessions for $366.
90-minute sessions. Sliding scale available.
Wild Soul Sessions can be done in my home office or your home and can be chosen for your private healing sessions for current clients.
These healing sessions are available to any person of any age, gender, etc.
Prenatal or Postnatal Womb Massage
connecting womb to heart
A full body massage that focuses on the womb space. Opening it, closing it, preparing it for birth, bringing it into alignment, whatever is desired at the time. All sessions are done in ceremony. Plant medicine and spirit medicine may be incorporated if desired. This body work can help alleviate pregnancy symptoms, help reintegrate the body after birth, and help with fertility.
$133, $77 for current clients (contact me for coupon code!). Purchase a package of 3 sessions for $366.
90-minute sessions. Sliding scale available.
Womb massage can be chosen for your private healing sessions for current clients.
a safe choice for most women
Most people who have had a cesarean birth are great candidates for home birth or natural vaginal birth in the hospital. People who have had multiple cesarean births but have also had a vaginal birth are also candidates. ACOG agrees that vaginal births are safer even after a previous cesarean birth. We are experienced in supporting people through a trial of labor after cesarean and we believe that a focus on the sacred is the perfect way to let a new pregnancy be a part of your healing process. We would love to talk to you about the possibility of homebirth or doula/monitrice services in the hospital. We also support women who choose repeat cesarean or find cesarean becomes a necessary option. Sacred care is available for all pregnant people.
Sacred Birth Circle
Building community and support
In all cultures worldwide, birth has been honored throughout time as sacred. Our goal is to return to this idea, give people time and space during their busy lives to focus on the miracle that is happening as a new person grows, and give them resources to connect with this new person, and to nourish everyone involved mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. In our ceremonies we take time to give gratitude. We learn about pregnancy and birth and babies. We explore our artistic sides through art, music, dance. We bless new parents through massage, affirmations, breathing. We talk. We get to know each other and support each other. Partners, children, friends, people of all ages, genders, etc can all take part in ceremony. So relax! Join us! Dancing naked and howling at the moonlight aren't required!
Placenta Medicine
$150 (sliding scale available)
The placenta is a powerhouse organ created just for your pregnancy! All mammals ingest their placentas after birth. Anecdotally, women report more energy, greater milk supply, and less postpartum depression after consuming placenta medicine. Recent studies have shown that placenta medicine does increase iron and certain hormone levels, but that not all placentas should be made into medicine. We would love to help you decide if this is the right option for you. We take the placenta from the birth and return it after your milk comes in. You will receive your steamed, dried and encapsulated placenta, as well as, placenta prints, and the cord dried into a spiral or a heart.
Sacred belly art
A beautiful way to relax, to honor the baby and the belly!
Henna can be done in your home or before/after a pregnancy support circle. Henna can be chosen for your private healing sessions for current clients.
$50 per hour for current clients. Sliding scale available.
Child & Infant CPR & Safety
Child & Infant CPR and Safety is taught by Geneva at the Mama'hood the last Saturday of every month. Private classes are available (sliding scale available for this option).
Did you know that CPR saves 150,000 lives per year and is actually more effective at saving children and babies than adults? Learn how to save your little one in the case of choking, drowning and other respiratory and cardiac events. More importantly, learn tips for childproofing and how to keep your little one safe so you never have to use CPR. This class will teach parents and caregivers how to recognize signs of illness and injury, plus the top six causes of injury and death for children and infants in America and how to avoid them. This two hour class is $50 for one person, $75 for two.
Childbirth Education
$100 (sliding scale available)
We teach childbirth classes that focus on natural birth. It is generally a 6 hour session and includes information about preparing for birth, anatomy and physiology, stages of labor, comfort measures, interventions and complications, postpartum, and breastfeeding. It incorporates teachings from birthing from within, hypnobabies, lamaze, and more. It is laid back, potluck and community style. Included in care for current clients.
If you would like referrals to other types of classes we are happy to provide those.
Full Spectrum Doula
all birth is sacred
Sometimes babies have a different story. Sometimes they choose parents who are not ready for them. Sometimes the parents are ready but the baby isn't. If you find yourself in a situation of an unwanted pregnancy or a miscarriage, you still need support and love and a way to honor the story of this pregnancy and this baby. We would love to guide you through that process. Please contact us for details.